RESPECTfarms is the worlds first cellular agriculture farm. They are aiming to modernise the world of the meat industry by changing the agriculture with their cellular technologies.

With them I worked on creating their image and online presence. Towards this goal I assisted in designing their logo and website.

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How did I go about it?

The goal of this project was design the online presence for RESPECTfarms. For this, I started out with their logo, since this could give us a clue about how to further design the website later.

The original founder of this initiative was the father of the one of the people leading it now. Ira van Eelen wanted to incorporate the memory of her father into the logo, since he has had such a big part in all what RESPECTfarms is.

With Ira van Eelen, we decided on using the following image of Willem van Eelen as inspiration for the logo.

From this image, I decided that the most important part of the image was the gesture that is made with it. It’s a showing of respect towards the animal. A simple tip of the hat, that speaks its value. Which speaks perfectly for the name of the initiative; RESPECTfarms.


Working in the sight of greenery and a horizon, showing what tomorrow brings, made in a classical hand drawn style. That is what the logo eventually turned in to.

Now with the logo ready, it was time to turn our attention to the website. They wanted a simple website on which you can find any information you’d want about RESPECTfarms within a few clicks.

Because of this I went with a format where the landing page holds most of the information a first time visitor would want. Showcasing what RESPECTfarms stands for and their goals. As an extra addition, custom made images were included, creating a visible showcase of the concept they are working towards.

Using the same colour scheme as the logo, I set up a coherent webpage.

What I’m most proud of within this project is what we did with the logo. Everyone involved really thought that it perfectly incapsulates the idea behind RESPECTfarms.

Want to know more?


Want to see more of my work? See my Cases.

Golden Boy Studios



Chamber of Commerce


+31 6 15450945




+31 6 15450945


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